Back in 2000, a small group of Horror fans got together and created a film festival strictly for England called FrightFest. Over the years the event grew from its humble roots, blossoming and expanding, starting as an opportunity to show odd and foreign horror films to becoming a destination event, featuring stars, directors, and writers. There were four men primarily responsible for this festival and how important it would become: Paul McEvoy, Ian Rattray, Alan Jones, and Greg Day. The funny thing about these gents is that no one in their right mind could imagine them working together to pull something like this off once, much less for two decades running. Disparate personalities that can cause friction can also work together to create a special event in the lives of others. FrightFest: Beneath the Dark Heart of Cinema is a documentary detailing the birth and growth of this legendary festival, as well as an exploration of the founders, the fans, and the horror community in general.
This is a really fun film. It tells the story in a chronological fashion, from the bright-eyed, naïve optimism of the early days, through their growth and gaining reputation (as important filmmakers like Guillermo del Toro and others fully embraced the festival), pushing through trials and tribulations having to do with venues and quarrelling personalities, up until present times, where FrightFest is firmly established as one of, if not the, premier horror film festivals in the world. It’s a delightful journey, with lots of smiles and laughs. Sure, there’s some dark moments as our four main creators sometimes clash with one another, but it’s mostly like watching brothers fight. You know they’re going to work it out in the end. The best part is the sheer enthusiasm and joy on everyone’s part. They all love talking about horror. These moments are interspersed with longtime fan testimonials, and this only adds to the delight on display. We see these people that are simply enthused to have a place to gather and meet new friends go on to become budding filmmakers themselves.
FrightFest: Beneath the Dark Heart of Cinema is a documentary that should be treasured by the horror community. In these tumultuous times, with no conventions to go to or movie theaters open, those missing that community and love from the horror world can find it here and live it vicariously. This is a precious reminder of just how special horror is, both to its fans and creators, and a great way to spend an hour and a half of your day, basking in the glow of that knowledge and love.