Rat King

This one crawls out of the gate covered in grease and blood, slithering along, serpentine and ugly as hell.
Pathetic hail from Alberta and bring the old school Death Metal with rapacious delight. If you’re into Incantation, Krisiun, and Immolation, you’ve found yourself a new jam here. These three dudes are here to churn your guts out and kick you while you’re down. Having already released two EP’s and a Split with Putrid, they finally decided to bring their first full-length platter. How good is it?
Well, pretty good. It won’t blow your socks off but if you’re looking into getting into some Death Metal not being dealt by the majors, if you want to get back to grimy basics, Pathetic is a good place to rest your head for a while.

Blastbeats, furious guitar, growled vocals, funny yet gut-wrenching lyrics, Pathetic is everything the discerning Death fan is looking for. I love the dry sound of the drums and the way they captured the vibrating rumble of the power of their riffs. Songs like “Hamatsa” and especially “Going Postal” really showcase just how good these guys are, and the places they can go with some seasoning. They also keep things fresh by peppering the occasional sound bite and audio sample between songs, always with the idea of keeping the listener engaged. Good stuff.
So, will this set the world on fire with its ingenuity and drive? No, but it might set your asshole hairs on fire with its power. This one isn’t going to change the realm of Metal, but to be fair, it’s not trying to. This is good, honest, brutal Death. If that sounds like your bag, then huff away. You’ll get high as fuck.
Two and a Half Wands out of Four
The Wizard has spoken!